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2016.08-2020.06 best365网页版登录官方网站环境与规划学院 讲师
2014.10-2016.07 中山大学环境科学与工程学院博士后环境科学流动站(合作导师:管东生教授)
2009.09-2014.07 中国科学院华南植物园硕博连读生态学专业(导师:黄忠良研究员)
2005.09-2009.07 青岛农业大学本科植物科技专业
(1)Ma, L., J. Y. Lian, G. J. Lin, H. L. Cao, Z. L. Huang, D. S. Guan*. Forest dynamics and its driving force of sub-tropical forest in South China. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 22561-22570
(2) WW Song#, GJ Lin, HL Cao,LMa*.Beta diversity pattern and its driving forces of fengshui woods in South China. Bangladesh Journal of Botany,2016, 45(4): 905-910.
(3)Ma, L., M. Huang, Y. Shen, H. Cao, L. * Wu, H. Ye, G. Lin, Z. Wang. Species diversity and community structure in forest fragments of Guangzhou, South China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2015,27(2): 148-157.
(4)Ma, L., C. Chen, Y. Shen, L. F. Wu, Z. L. Huang,H. L. Cao*. Determinants of tree survival at local scale in a sub-tropical forest. Ecological Research,2014,29(1): 69-80.
(5)Shen, Y., L. S. Santiago, H. Shen,L. Ma, J. Lian, H. Cao, H. Lu, W. Ye*. Determinants of changeinsubtropical tree diameter growth with ontogenetic stage. Oecologia, 2014,175(4): 1315-1324.
(6)Shen, Y., L. S. Santiago,L. Ma, G. J. Lin, J. Y. Lian, H. L. Cao,W. H. Ye*. Forest dynamics of a subtropicalmonsoon forest in Dinghushan, China: recruitment, mortality and the pace of community change. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2013,29: 131-145.
(7)马磊,吴林芳,叶华谷,曾飞燕and曹洪麟(2012). "广州增城叶迳背乐昌含笑林群落特征研究."热带亚热带植物学报(02): 169-176.
(8)林国俊,马磊,吴林芳,黄明钗,曹洪麟and叶华谷(2013). "广州市风水林群落空间异质性及其对区域物种多样性的贡献."热带亚热带植物学报(02): 168-174.
(9)孔波,曹洪麟,马磊,吴林芳,陈灿and黄忠良(2013). "广州市格木风水林的群落特征分析."热带地理(03): 307-313+332.